YOU and AI

Interactive installation and digital environment for multiple users.
Emotions drive soundscape.
A commentary on the violation of citizens' rights, freedoms, and privacy.
real-time capture, emotion recognition via AI Face API.js, website, connection with maxMsp.

ongoing/working locally, aim to receive support for developing it, 2021-2022

The intangibles of a material community.
fragmented digital and physical reality.
Speech is a powerful ability.
In this video, the focus is on the visualization of speech fragments.
the first word said associatively led to the next one which sounds the same but is spelt differently.
Words can mislead and can interpreted through personal lenses.
What if those lenses are biased?
A video art about the info-nation era , a nation led by informations
video art, graphics, sound, montage

00:04:50, 2021

Her experiences and cosmos make up her duality of inspiration that needs patience to balance.

Yet, the acrobat, each dt, finds balance both in a different point of his body and in a different point in the world, so at each moment the balance is at a different point in between the duality.

Thus, every time, the balance between the self-hyper ego and the world-cosmos is recreated for the artist.
Specifically in the exhibition “humane”, she presents a series of paintings in an interactive way. Although created through traditional means, each participant can experience the digital augmentation of the works and of this catalog itself, expanding physical existence as a pulsating palimpsest of emotions, sounds, images, flesh, breath, gears, bits, and bites.

locals could experience the exhibition with AR.
it will be a virtual simulation on metaverse soon after the end of the exhibition so more people worldwide can feel it.

paintings, video art, AR tech


a handmade construction of an autonomous personality who interacts with viewers.
is a virtual activated being that starts a chain reaction opposed to the quarantine reality/immobility/atrophy/spritual death
real-time capture, Face detection via P5.js, website, Arduino, HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, 6x2 LCD, p5.serialcontrol, p5.serialport, website QR codes, viewer phones orientation data

ongoing/via computer operates locally – aim to grow into a gadget accessible anywhere to anyone, with viewers' mobile phones, 2021


painting, oil colour on linen canvas

80 x 60 cm, 2020


of the interactive installation of multi-existences

due to lack of funding, the Ambience presentation went virtually
in the European Art Science Technology Network, Digital Creativity (EASTN-DC) at the 14th AudioVisual Arts Festival 2021
mirror films, projection mappings, real time capture, arduino, touch sensors, interactive visuals, object detection algorithm controls soundscape,

dimensions variable, 2021


painting, oil colour on linen canvas

180x200 cm, 2019


non-linear narrative of ever-changing space-times:

digital creates parallel space-times
the sense of a momentary existence
a constant redefinition of the self
personalized narratives for users-participants
due to the flexibility of following diverse paths at the portals


video art, graphics, sound, montage



interactive installation
mirror film, hair strands, metal wire, projection mapping

dimensions variable, 2020


painting, acrylic on canvas, hair strands

40 x 30 cm, 2020

"the environment of ..
the air half millimeter above the water
the water inside nature
our nature..
the moon half millimeter above the surface
... the depth of the face
the face of...the chain reaction existence
an environment"
video art, graphics, sound, montage

00:03:52, 2021


I use a variety of disciplines and media that reflect the fragmented reality in which we live. In addition to traditional media, I use new technologies, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to create artworks that engage people and their most-used devices, such as smartphones. Through the use of technology, I emphasise existential and relational themes because technology is part of who we are and how we connect.

I focus on interactivity to allude to prejudice, discrimination, manipulation, and misdirection. Human-to-machine and human-to-human interaction via machines changes perceptions and creates connections.

I am experimenting with AI facial recognition. In our isolated times, the face is primarily our social profile/personality. By drawing facial transformations, I explore technological advances to create participatory artworks that exist physically and digitally. These explorations highlight the fragility of boundaries between the self and persona, questioning how emotions drive spatial experiences and how space (physical and digital) creates emotions in tangible or intangible ways.

I perceive people as environments. Their embodiment of water liquefies human matter. Such vibrating, refracting, and reflecting environments convey how change becomes commonplace and inspires endless evolution.

My artworks also become environments.