Inspire Project ‘Dream Archives’

Inspire Project ‘Dream Archives’

Inspire Project 2020

“Dream Archives, Dreams as structural materials for the creation of an artwork” 

“Eye”, 2020, Christina Kapetaniou

Christina Kapetaniou’s artwork “Eye” created from the combination of visual media is an interactive installation that talks about the realization of existences’ multiformity in their meeting in some common eye. The “Eye” creates an environment through video-projection on a handmade construction with painting elements and imprints. This environment reflects and refracts light beams into the area of MOMus – Experimental Center for Arts in Thessaloniki until the eleven of October.

An existence is a water environment, and thus, an environment of multiformity.

There are invisible water environments which pass underground, but they become visible through their eyes. Born from the cracks in the surface, every water eye is the trace of such existences, the imprint of their passing. So, the unseen becomes seeable, the inside comes out of the surface.

Respectively, the self of an existence brings forth their eye from the surface of their persona. The eye of an existence is the trace of their real hypostasis with which the same the existence as well as other ones will interact.

In a world of reflected idols, existences break this mirror film to exit from the same crack, to meet in the same eye of their connection and their truths. Thus, the “Eye” is the trace of the meeting of “selves” of two existences, this trace of the realization of their multiformity even in their connection.

In the “Eye” of the meeting of selves, the circularity effaces the duality as the light erases sharp edges.

Getting immersed of circular flows of multiformity, viewers activate emotional imprints of memories of analogous experiences. A holistic experience of mind and body which can transform emotional imprints of viewers memories, and simultaneously their behavioural responses.

The function of such an “Eye”- trace, which shapes possibilities for constant becoming, is the interaction with multiformity, the continuous circularity.